100% Organic | 100% Non Toxic | Ethically Made | Sustainable | Vegan | Cruelty Free | Luke 12:7


At Indie B. Naturals, we value sustainability. We Value being Eco-concious & Eco-friendly. We value being ethically sourced. Its important to us where our product packaging comes from, who creates our product packaging for us and its also important that we build relations with them, so our Indie B. Naturals family know where our product packaging & materials come from. All of our Oils, Butters and natural material come from local & USA sustainably owned CO-OPS and Vendors. All of our products are 100% Organic, 100% non-toxic, vegan, cruelty free, made with recyleble packging from Arka.com & ethically made. 

We always want to make sure that as a buisness, we are doing our due dilligence to make our Indie B. Family aware of our values as a brand, and what we believe in and stand firmly on. To find out more about what you can do to support sustainability and be more eco-concious, click on our charities tab to see the charities and non profits we support, that you can support as well. Here is how you can be more eco-concious on a daily ( See our image below).