100% Organic | 100% Non Toxic | Ethically Made | Sustainable | Vegan | Cruelty Free | Luke 12:7

Non Profits

At Indie B. Naturals, we make it our duty to support Non Profit Organizations that we believe in. We love to support Christian Based Organizations and organizations that help better the environment. 

The Current Non Profit we are supporting for the month of June is "The Nature Conservancy". The nature Conservancy was founded in 1951 and they have made it their life's work to create a better world by; increasing their Carborn Footprint, reducing waste, educating many on becoming more eco-conscious and earth friendly with their way of living. The Nature Conservancy also Makes it their duty to employ & embrace people of all ethnic backgrounds & all walks of life. 

The Nature Conservancy and Indie B. Naturals share a lot of the same Values when it comes to increasing our carborn footprint and using our platforms to educate on how we can be more conscious of our environment daily. The whole month of June, Indie B. Naturals will be donating a portion of our proceeds to Further the work our friends at "The Nature Conservancy are doing". We hope that you will join us this month! If you can not donate monetarily. Please use this month to get involved and get educated about becoming more Eco-conscious and sustainable to create a better world for us & our children. God created this world as a temporary home for us! We must take care of it , the best we can while we are here!